Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Create a USB Stick Lion Installer

Follow these quick steps to create a GUID USB stick. Firstly - open Disk Utility from Applications/Utilities.

1. Select your desired disk or USB stick
2. Select the Partition tab
3. Select 1 Partition
4. Name your disk to "Installer"
5. Click Options
6. Select GUID Partition Table
7. Click OK
8. Click Apply

Click this bar to view the original image of 740x641px.

Transferring the Installer to the designated disk:

1. Show package contents on "Install Mac OS X Lion.app"

2. Navigate to "Contents/Shared Support"

Click this bar to view the original image of 770x438px.
3. Mount InstallESD.dmg

If you run into problems mounting this image, excute from terminal:
#sudo chmod -R 770
Leave a space after 770 and drag the image InstallESD.dmg to the terminal.
4. Copy and paste the following code into terminal to mount the hidden BaseSystem.dmg file:

open "/Volumes/Mac OS X Install ESD/BaseSystem.dmg"
5. Restore the Mac OS X Base System volume to your designated disk using Disk Utility by dragging the volumes into the designated boxes as shown below:

Click this bar to view the original image of 740x641px.
6. Unmount the DMG mounted Mac OS X Base System volume to avoid confusion between the two:

7. Navigate to your designated partition/disk/usb stick (that should be now named Mac OS X Base System) and go into the System folder, and then the Installation folder. Find the Packages alias and delete it:

8. Copy the Packages folder from the Mac OS X Install ESD volume to the Installation folder where you just deleted the Packages alias.

9. Copy mach_kernel from Mac OS X Install ESD to your partition/disk/usb stick by pasting the following into a terminal window:

sudo cp /Volumes/Mac\ OS\ X\ Install\ ESD/mach_kernel /Volumes/Mac\ OS\ X\ Base\ System\ 1/
IF that line gives you a does not exist error, copy/paste this one:

sudo cp /Volumes/Mac\ OS\ X\ Install\ ESD/mach_kernel /Volumes/Mac\ OS\ X\ Base\ System/
10. (optional) Rename Mac OS X Base System volume to whatever you like ie Lion Installer

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