Saturday, January 7, 2012

Remove Spotlight "developer" and "Web searches"

Here is a fix for removing the developer category from Spotlight.
  1. Go to ~/Library/Preferences/
  2. Open Terminal. You will need to convert the file to XML (from binary) so you can edit it in TextEdit. The command you need is plutil -convert xml1 ~/Library/Preferences/
  3. Open this file in TextEdit. Just before at the bottom, add the following:
  4. Convert the file back to binary using plutil -convert binary1 ~/Library/Preferences/
  5. Log out and back in again.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip! There's a small error in the XML you need to add. The false element should be a self closing tag so it's missing a '/' character. It should read:

no the current code will produce a parse error when you attempt to convert back to binary.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip! There's a small error in the XML you need to add. The false element should be a self closing tag so it's missing a '/' character. It should read:

"" not "" the current code will produce a parse error when you attempt to convert back to binary.